Mitzi Berger, M.A., CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist
Offering highly specialized speech language therapy for children.
If your child is 6 months or older, you live in Fort Collins or Northern Colorado, and you have concerns about your child's speech, language, feeding, social, or listening development, call today to schedule a free speech and language therapy phone consultation.
The most effective speech and language therapy takes place in your child's own environment where your child is most comfortable: during meal times, playtime, and using the toys and books that you already have on hand. That is why I come to your home to work with your child. Effective speech and language therapy empowers a child's parents, siblings, grandparents, and other caregivers to help their child learn to communicate better. My role as a home-based, pediatric speech-language pathologist is to teach you the skills you need so that you can help your child's speech and language development throughout the week. No one knows your child better than you do. This is why we will set therapy goals together based on what is important to you and your family. The skills you and your child will learn during home-based speech/language therapy will continue to enhance learning and development throughout your child's life. In addition to improving your child's communication skills, early therapy services will increase your child's self-advocacy, promote self-esteem, and prepare your child for literacy and reading. Lucky Speech and Language Therapy has continued to expand and thrive based on the referrals of satisfied parents, teachers, school therapists and pediatricians. |
> Articulation and Speech Sounds
How do we Get Started? |
How long does it last? |
The speech/language evaluation will take approximately 90 minutes, which includes both a formal and informal assessment of your child's receptive language (what your child understands), expressive language (how your child communicates his or her wants and needs) and articulation skills (how your child produces specific sounds). Additional assessment may include voice (pitch, loudness, and vocal health), fluency (smooth rate of speech) and feeding skills (chewing, swallowing, pickiness), if these are areas of concern.
I will share the results of the evaluation and my recommendations with you immediately as well as complete an evaluation report for your records. From this evaluation, we will work together to create an individualized plan with specific goals for your child's speech and language development. |
Each speech/language therapy session lasts 45 minutes. You will come away from each therapy session with specific activities to work on throughout the week with your child to strengthen his or her communication skills during everyday activities.
How long your child will continue to need speech/language therapy will depend on how quickly these skills develop. Throughout the therapeutic process, we will be working together to assess your child's progress and determine the next set of goals to target. You know your child best, and your priorities and feedback are invaluable as we create goals for your child together. One of the many benefits of private speech/language therapy is that we have the freedom to work on all aspects of communication with positive impacts on multiple areas of your child's life. Your child will increase effective communication at school, at home, during extracurricular activities, and with friends. These communication skills will make your child happier and less frustrated while providing a lifetime of educational and social benefits. |